I've had the privilege of raising two boys (and watching dozens of cousins and nephews closely) and it has never ceased to amaze me how wild and fearless they are from the very beginning.
I believe God instills a sense of adventure in little boys so that when they get older, they are brave and able to protect their wives and children from danger...whether its a spider, mouse, snake, thunderstorm, bully or burglar. Men were built to protect their wives and children so that we feel secure in their presence.
Boys are also notorious for being silly, mischievous and rambunctious. In fact, most men I know never fully grow out of that. Life is tough and we--as women--tend to take things a little too seriously. My daddy, my husband and both of my sons share many of my favorite qualities. Humor and sarcasm are abundant in those around me and usually also saves me from myself. These guys are always readily available to lighten the mood and add to my many laugh lines.
My Daddy is the most humble man I've ever known. He works harder than he should and believes in helping others and rarely feels the need to take any credit. If ever a Good Samaritan there was, it's him. I've learned so many valuable lessons just by watching him live his life and I am so grateful for every single one.
Thank you, Jesus, for the funny, brave, strong and humble men throughout my life.
Today, and always, remember Dear Old Dad. They are too often in the background of our lives, yet are the backbone of the family. They work hard, play hard and are our unspoken heroes...ask most any child. No matter what variety you have (even if he's not around),
none of us would be here without them. Fathers are hugely important.
I definitely have an incredible daddy but my children are especially lucky. They have a Papa who has never missed a beat throughout their lives (and helped me raise them from babies) and a step-dad, who stepped right in without hesitation and filled the role seamlessly. He is now, without a doubt, their Daddy.
My heart also goes out to Aubrey's daddy and all the other men in this cruel world who have to wake up each day a lifetime away from their deceased child. It's a deep pain that is unmatched by any other and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Father's Day is both a blessing and a curse for so many. Please pray for them all...today and always.
Happy Father's Day to all! LOVE💜