Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Today is the day

I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a helicopter parent. I don't hover all the time but I'm definitely careful. I research everything, try to make healthy choices for my kids and am not exactly carefree. 

Something crazy happened to one of the twins this morning. I didn't go into an immediate panic but it hit me later how badly the outcome could have been. I haven't been able to shake it since. 

I lost my oldest daughter at 6 years, 2 months and 2 weeks old. I have friends who have lost their babies during pregnancy, in their first year of life, at 30 and many during the years in between. It's a shock no matter what age your child is or how it happens. 

Recently, multiple children have died in freak accidents and made national headlines. Everyone is talking about all the ways these deaths could have been prevented (including myself). As we all speak these words of judgement, we  know there have been times that our children's lives were spared and not because we are the worlds greatest parent. It simply was not their time. 

My own children have scared me badly multiple times. I have seen the ER more times than I can count. I spent two weeks in two PICU units and 30 days between three NICU units and I lost my first-born daughter at six! This all qualifies me to freely give my advice. Please take it, cling to it and run with it. 

No one wakes up ready to say goodbye to their child. 

No one can prevent every single accident from happening. 

No one knows exactly when our time or our child's time is up. 

Live every moment like its the last one. Dance, sing, play, be silly and live while you still can. Most importantly, LOVE like you'll never be able to again. Believe me, your every memory depends on it.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Father's Day, guys

Being a father is something that may not always come naturally and that's okay. A mother (usually) has several months of her children growing inside her to learn to nurture them. Men are generally thrown into the mix and expected to know how to father a child. They also generally get very little credit for how great they are at it. 

A good Daddy loves deeply. He is a natural "fixer" and being unable to breaks his heart. 

But, oh the times he can! A Daddy provides safety and security just by being there. 

 He is able to get on a child's level in a way most Mamas can't. They have a lot of fun with their kids and make memories that will stay with them for a lifetime. 

Then, there are step-fathers. Not only were they not there from the birth of their new children, they came into their lives after a family (including rules, love and memories) had been established. Usually after years of a kid's life that he didn't get to be a part of. 

The most incredible part of it is, like with foster and adoptive parents, they CHOOSE to step in. They choose to accept, love, nurture and PARENT a child that biologically is not theirs. They are willing to take on the challenge but they also open themselves up to loving and being loved by those children. 

What an amazing story God writes through our men. 

I have the best Daddy and the best husband ever. What brave, caring, selfless, wonderful men I am blessed to walk through this crazy life with. I thank God daily for giving them to me and I am especially grateful that my children can call them theirs as well. 


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

One Big Year...Two Little Girls

Twenty fingers and twenty toes
Four eyes looking up at me 
Where did the time go?
One brunette, one is blonde
My heart explodes with a love beyond...

I have been a Mama over 16 years. I have seen each baby grow up so quickly. Still, nothing prepared me for how fast this year with the twins would go. It started with exhausting days and sleepless nights of staring at two tiny bodies through incubators in two totally different cities. 

Then, Suddenly, we were celebrating milestones of sitting up, cutting teeth, crawling, talking and taking first steps! Saying "soon they'll be able to ______" became "remember when they couldn't even _____". 

This year has flown by. 

Each milestone was accompanied by a memory of their big sister (and their brothers). As sad as I am that Aubrey wasn't here to watch them grow, I'm now even more grateful for her and the lessons her short, but full, life taught me. I know--more than ever before--to cherish each moment as they come and to be extra thankful for the next. Instead of being mad when someone wakes up in the middle of the night, I was able to purposely breathe them in, hold them even closer and savor the moment. 

These girls were the most perfect, unexpected gift and they have brought us all even closer together. I can see my both of grandmothers in Julia Ann. Carson Laine is Aubrey made over but she also looks so much like her Daddy, my Uncle Steve and her big brothers (and what amazing brothers these girls have). 

God has a way of doing that for us. It's as if he sews little pieces of those that came before us into the fabric that is a new child. Then that child's life becomes a new part of a bigger, always-growing puzzle.  

I have never known such joy and happiness. Before, I thought my heart was at full capacity and couldn't possibly grow. These babies taught me that my heart--and my life--can always expand. Somehow, God loves me so much that He has and will continue to give me more than I could possibly deserve. 

My prayer is that all of my children always know how much we love them. I hope that every year of their life is better than the last. When they're much older and look back, I want their memories to be full of happiness and LOVE. I hope their only disappointments are that there weren't enough hours in a day to love each other enough. I am grateful that the girls will always have each other and a special bond that grows as they do. 

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY, girls! We love you more than you'll ever know! 💜💜
                      Carson Laine
                          Julia Ann