Saturday, February 8, 2014

Daddy/Daughter Dance Thoughts

It's that time again. The Father/Daughter dance is upon us. All around town, there are salons full of excited girls of all ages having their hair and nails done. Mamas everywhere are running around looking for cardigans and tights and shoes to match their baby girl's dresses. There are restaurant reservations being made and little flower corsages getting picked up. The excitement is palpable. 

The event is pretty magical for Daddies and Daughters alike. It's a chance to step out of comfort zones and break out into dance moves that haven't been used in quite some time. It's like the daddy/daughter tea parties held secretly in your own home suddenly explodes into a very public setting but nobody cares. Every man  there cares about only one thing: the happiness it brings his little girl. Looking around that room, there are smiles and giggles in great abundance. Yes, it's a magical night. 

Aubrey loved those dances. She was so proud to walk into that room on her Daddy's arm with her Mama and Papa right behind them. She danced with her daddy and her friends and had a ball. Although I was not as good of a date for my Daddy (due to my weird social phobia and awkwardness along with zero--sober--dance moves). However, watching my little girl soak up the moment was all I cared about. 
Such sweet memories. 

While these nights bring such joy to so many, it is a source of deep pain for others. There are daddies without their daughters and daughters without their daddies. There are Mamas, like me, who will just try to keep breathing until it's all over. 
Just one more day...

Seeing all the Facebook pictures are so bittersweet. While I'm happy for the daddy/daughter duos (like my own husband and his precious little girl), it also breaks my heart. I want Aubrey here. I want the craziness of trying to get the perfect outfit together and fix her hair. I'd love to see the reaction of her Daddy opening the door and seeing her all fixed up and ready for him...for their big night. I want HER pictures and her description of their big night out. I want NEW memories and future plans for more magical dances. All I have is the past. 

So, tonight and always, remember those who are without their loved ones. Parents: in all the hectic craziness of primping and trying to make every detail perfect, remember to savor each moment. Daddies: enjoy this opportunity and break out of your shell. Check your pride at the door and get silly on that dance floor. For both you and your daughter, you're creating a lasting memory...your perfect legacy. Nothing matters more than the happiness of your little girl. Show the world how proud you are of your God-given gift. 
One day it will all be but a memory. Make it the best one ever. LOVE 💜

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