Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday, girls!

Three years ago, I would have tried anything to get pregnant (and I did). Surgery, acupuncture, herbal teas, yoga, diets, you name it. It all seemed hopeless. Then, in November of 2014 a miracle happened...two actually. We were given a 3-5% chance for conception of one child. We were shocked and terrified and happy to learn we were expecting twins. We thanked God for these babies. 

To say time flies when you're having fun is an understatement. We somehow blinked and two years were behind us. 

From tiny NICU preemies to healthy, smart, funny and wild toddlers...just like that. 

Every moment is a learning experience. Each day is filled with crazy good--and difficult--times. I wouldn't trade these two girls for anything. 

Carson Laine and Julia Ann have given this life new meaning and purpose. We are all filled with so much joy because they are ours. This walk isn't always easy but it's better than it should be and far richer than we deserve. 

I call myself blessed to be their Mama and I cannot wait to see what's in store for us all. 

Happy 2nd Birthday, girls. LOVE💜