Thursday, June 16, 2016

Happy Father's Day, guys

Being a father is something that may not always come naturally and that's okay. A mother (usually) has several months of her children growing inside her to learn to nurture them. Men are generally thrown into the mix and expected to know how to father a child. They also generally get very little credit for how great they are at it. 

A good Daddy loves deeply. He is a natural "fixer" and being unable to breaks his heart. 

But, oh the times he can! A Daddy provides safety and security just by being there. 

 He is able to get on a child's level in a way most Mamas can't. They have a lot of fun with their kids and make memories that will stay with them for a lifetime. 

Then, there are step-fathers. Not only were they not there from the birth of their new children, they came into their lives after a family (including rules, love and memories) had been established. Usually after years of a kid's life that he didn't get to be a part of. 

The most incredible part of it is, like with foster and adoptive parents, they CHOOSE to step in. They choose to accept, love, nurture and PARENT a child that biologically is not theirs. They are willing to take on the challenge but they also open themselves up to loving and being loved by those children. 

What an amazing story God writes through our men. 

I have the best Daddy and the best husband ever. What brave, caring, selfless, wonderful men I am blessed to walk through this crazy life with. I thank God daily for giving them to me and I am especially grateful that my children can call them theirs as well. 


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